Scot-Tech Fire and Security, Spires Business Centre, Mugiemoss Rd, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, AB21 9BG
01224 573601

New fire safety standards for homeowners

The Scottish Government has introduced a new fire alarm standard for homeowners. 

By February 2022 every home in Scotland will be required to have interlinked fire alarms. Alarms that talk to each other – so that when one goes off, they all go off – helping everyone to react quicker and save more lives.

Homeowners are responsible for making sure their home meets the new fire alarms standard, and for finding a contractor to carry out the work.

Aberdeen Technical Services are approved suppliers and installers of BS EN14604:2005 certified smoke alarms, British Kitemark (EN 50291-1) Carbon monoxide alarms and BS 5446-2:2003 Heat alarms. 

Find out more about the new standards and how we can help New Fire Safety Standards